Timeline tracks dates and events as Caroling explores deer lichen (locally called deer moss or reindeer moss) or reindeer lichen on the Emerald Coast of Florida. Links take you to related content, if any. Dates are YYYY-MM-DD. This section is under development, ongoing. I have included some of the experimental, mystical, imaginative expressions in relating with deer lichen to give a sense of the interaction. There is much more to be synergized with scholarship. Jump to 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014.
- 2002-01-04 After my first visit, I wrote, "... the reindeer moss organically crystallizing earth and sky."
- 2002-03-31 Pictures of deer lichen, photo 1: 100-0095 (medium or zoomable), photo 2: 100-0096 (medium or zoomable).
- 2002-07-05 Looking for pictures of reindeer moss.
- 2002-07-09 Identifying Cladina evansii http://www.floridata.com/tracks/scrub/PlantGal/clad_spp.htm. Cladonia perforata are the ones endangered. Indulged in working with mossMind or Florida Art and brainCoral today. Seeing it like Gaia brain. During yoga went so far as to think curacao brain coral important for mamagua and reindeer moss for me and together doing syimagery or synimagergy and functioning as coordinating consciousness, like networking, getting in tune and all and this to communicate with Bened. Seems like some plan I'm carrying out. Some purpose that my higher self knows of but not me.
- 2002-07-10 Working on deer moss as mind of Gaia
- 2003-01-14 (Idea for bringing out the qualities of the Noint Joint) ... the reindeer moss maybe liquefying.
- 2003-03-08 (on Sierra Club Coffeen Nature Preserve hike, no pictures) ... the thickest reindeer moss ever. One about 3 feet up, stuck in leafless branches of some shrub. I do believe someone put it up there. It couldn't grow up there, could it?
- 2003-04-03 Walking west on Hwy 30A yesterday, was looking for reindeer moss to see if it could stand pollution of road and didn't see any.
- 2003-06-21 (Solstice walk around Eastern Lake, see photo 161-6198_IMG.jpg) 1.86 miles, deer moss solid.
- 2003-07-10 (Walked from Hwy 30A nursery along path to Cassine Trail to Point Washington State Forest, going clockwise around Eastern Lake) Didn't see the deer moss site particularly either. {Strange, there is lots there.}
- 2003-11-19 When tried to walk in woods NW of Eastern Lake, found them pretty much impenetrable, except farther east. Back there, got to a clearing that is a great escape. Totally pristine huge area of deer moss. A log that possibly could be a bench? I decided to take photos for 360 panorama, switched mode to JPEG. temporarily.
- 2003-11-20 Stitched panorama. Took photos of deer moss in afternoon, after 3.
- 2006-12-04 Reindeer moss on list of plants in Snookie/Christian Back to Nature hike video.
- 2007-03-18 Point Washington State Forest hike. Photos.
- 2007-03-22 I'm looking at this close up photo of the deer moss and thinking it is the scream, the focus, the chaos, the everything summed up, cornered and going forward. If I could photograph this magnificent being, that would be enough. It seems to express dynamics of every sort. How could I do a panorama of deer lichen on the theme of atmosphere?
Cladonia perforata , Perforate reindeer lichen; deer moss; E, perforate cladonia is on the endangered species list for Florida.
Unidentified Cladoniaceae. deer moss, Jester lichen, (picture exactly like mine) Taxonomic ClassificationHowever our deer moss also looks like Cladina evansii ("powder-puff lichen", or "deer moss") .
- Kingdom: Fungi (mushrooms, lichen, etc.)
- Phylum: Ascomycota (ascos, ascomycetes, sac fungi)
- Class: Lecanoromycetes
- Order: Lecanorales
- Family: Cladoniaceae (deer moss, Jester lichen, etc.)
About hardwood vs. scrub forests: in contrast to the sand pine scrub, red maples, cypress, water oak, loblolly bay and laurel oak flourish in the area surrounding the lake.
I will photograph their expression of feeling. I will not get bogged down in taxonomy or species issues. Reindeer moss is a different search item from deer moss. Mind is straining to get out and do a deer moss panorama. O where is deer moss to go? Travel/Florida/srb/EasternLake. Just doesn't feel right. This is an endangered species. I feel better about putting it in Lookout2007.
Cladina evansii powder-puff lichen or deer moss. Cladina confusa is reindeer moss. in older books as cladina leptoclada. Lists many cladinas, all called reindeer lichen. http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=CLADI3- 2007-03-23 But truly my faith was wavering as I did web research on deer moss. It seems to not be local to this area and no one says it is endangered. It didn't even get a check as "threatened" in one official list. Also I wondered at the scope. When first waking from yesterday's dream I looked at the deer moss and seemed to think it was a huge subject. But I lost the inspiration later, maybe. Is there really so much to it? Waypoints at Heron's Watch Way by trailer {gone in 2009},
- S side of path, first deer moss coming from east. N 30° 18'48.5" W 086°05'25.5"
- back up from water, different color deer moss at forest edge. N 30° 18'51.9" W 086° 05'29.7"
- first panorama and details. 30° 18'51.7" W 086° 05'24.5"
- lichen heaven. N 30° 18'52.3" W 086°05'22.3"
Path coming into forest from behind second building. Is west of the sanctuary. Coming in is very fine ground cover, broken by what, armadillo or hog or something digging. It is trodden but near edges grows up to 1" or so. Then a really big relatively unbroken carpet of deer moss. I stood in the middle where the cover was low and sort of messed up already. At the end of two panoramas, got some shots straight down. The middle of the tripod was a little 5" plant.- No notes as to what was there. N 30° 18'52.1" W 086° 05'20.2" Maybe when went back about at the corner of the property, along a semi-depressed channel where maybe water flows, no plants, all cleared out back there with animal trails and armadillo holes. About 20' from the wetland back there.
Dynamic range is suddenly a huge issue with deer moss. It almost always blows out the highlights. Should always take bracketed exposures. (list of photo numbers with comments)- 2007-03-27 Walked bike path east to Deer Lake. Almost to the lake found a glorious "old growth" patch of deer moss right by the highway. Guess it can take some exposure to gas fumes. Couldn't get a good overview of moss and highway. Need to return with wide angle lens.
- 2007-03-30 Links: http://irrecenvhort.ifas.ufl.edu/SFFE/savannas/lichen.htm Reindeer moss (Cladonia sp.) This is a good site: http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/4h/Reindeer_moss/reindeer.htm
There are about 40 species in the southeast, which range in color from gray-green to green-yellow to just gray.
Visions of chunk tets in deer lichens related to lichens I met at Leo death site on 1992-09-25. So there are three components to lichen: fungus body, alga photo synthesizer, and awareness.
Thinking about the chunk cocoons, seems like that is my mission accomplished. A strange feeling of happiness, like that is what I came to this life to do, to be involved with, to play my part. Everything in my life led to this accomplishment. Yet I am fairly fluid in time and everything after this still centers on this. This is pivotal. This is a focus.- 2007-03-31 One of the deer moss pictures with 50mm taken on March 27, # 2965 is so wowee, close up with the essential structure. Seems that's what I was looking for in late sixties in brown rice cooking bubbles and early dome designs, the structure of my dreams. This photo seems to me like one of those wonderful portraits of people where you are looking deep into their eyes, feeling their soul and childlike joy, like hello, world. Strange, many of the other photos are good but this one grabs me deeply.
- 2007-04-06 (Preparing text for World Wide Panorama entry, not sure where I got the following info). Reindeer Moss is not a moss. It is a lichen, which is a combination of an alga and fungus in symbiotic relationship called obligate mutualism. Neither part can live alone. The alga part has chlorophyll and makes food for the symbiont. The spongy fungal strands serve as the body of the organism, absorbing nutrients such as nitrogen and water from the air. They improve the soil. They have no roots, obtaining moisture from the air and dew. Susceptible to air pollution. http://www.afn.org/~ese/endang.txt is Florida lists of endangered species. {Has Cladonia perforata Perforate reindeer lichen; deer moss; perforate cladonia} (Here's more like text for WWP) Deer Moss spreads lightly over the coastal sand scrub forest floor, putting down no roots. A ground lichen, its two parts depend on the atmosphere in different ways. The fungus part gets moisture and nutrients from air and dew. The alga part converts sunlight into food. Lichens concentrate pollutants from the atmosphere and they absorb radioactive fallout, so they indicate air quality. One species of the Reindeer moss family is on the Florida endangered species list.
The panorama shows three animated visions nestled in the Deer Moss. They could be Unidentified Atmospheric Units (UAUs, pronounced "wow"). Originally I "saw" these chunks shaped like tetrahedrons along the path taken by my dying son in Owens Valley, California, in 1992. In the visions, they were shaped like tetrahedrons but I sensed they were chunks of something etheric. I have had many related visions after that, but have not organized the results, nor do I have a clear explanation. I feel their appearance here now is an evolutionary step.
http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/4h/Reindeer_moss/reindeer.htm link- 2007-04-07 Topsail Hill Preserve State Park. A photo of Jester lichen type deer moss.
- 2007-04-13 Video of deer moss off balcony.
- 2007-04-14 Walk with Tom Beitzel in forest, north. Did photo or see any deer moss?N 30°20'24.0" W086'04'06.5"
- 2007-04-17 On Lakewood Drive, found deer moss right by the sidewalk. Small puffs. N 30°18'37.1"
W086°05'20.5"- 2007-04-20 Power lines hike a few deer mosses: N 30°18'59.6"w086°05'15.7"
- 2007-04-23 Found Deer Lake State Park Unit Management Plan from 2004. Here's what I wrote to the DLSP contact page: Deer Moss or Reindeer Moss, which is a prevalent and fascinating growth in the park is not mentioned in the document "Unit Management Plan", DEP Oct. 15, 2004., http://www.dep.state.fl.us/Parks/planning/parkplans/DeerLakeStatePark.pdf
I would like to know why it is omitted. I am starting to document deer moss in this area on my web site with photos, videos, and text here:
Deer Lichen and Friends
I advocate that park planning include consideration for this lichen. Documentation should include full cataloging with botanical names and status for the several species represented.
{Here's the answer I got on 4/23 from Dale.Shingler@dep.state.fl.us: "Caroling, thanks for the E-mail. It's hard to believe we overlooked one of the most common plants in our scrub areas at Deer Lake as well as Grayton Beach. I am forwarding this to our Biological section to be sure to include this unique plant in our next UMP update."} Weird thought that the veining in the pitcher plants is similar to the shapes of the deer moss. Similar structural principles at work. Like post and lintel in our architecture.- 2007-04-24 Lists of ideas and neighborhoods of deer moss. Deer Moss on Hwy 30A N 30°18'29.9" W086°04'49.1" photos.
- 2007-04-25 Suddenly realized that deer moss has structure of Liquid Starlight of the Mind (LSOTM). This is major. Went to E Lake Nursery Cassine trail access and got GPS waypoint N 30°18'40.7" W086°06'03.9" at the first sight of deer moss, about 20 feet from hwy 30a. Soon after, big flies incessantly attacking. What should I call it and where does it belong? Looking at imagine, evolution, consciousness. And I do feel that's where it is at. But for starters, maybe have it in deer moss visions? But it is different than the others, which I channeled when outside as hallucination-like vision. This one was just a likeness, synergy, I'm showing a relationship between different items. One is a structure I imagined and the other is a real world thing. Strange how some things fit pretty easily into the structure, some things i just place lightly with awareness that it isn't perfect. But some things, maybe the best things, relate to so many areas and are contingent on so many. So we have deer moss and deer moss visions. We have LSOTM in wholeo books, wholeo dome, evolutionary consciousness, and planet Elo wherever that is. LSOTM relates to cosmic juices and connection of juices with aura and mind. I'm liking consciousness/between, where there is only lights of mind sending blessings. I think this consciousness linkup will eventuate in action. Considered putting it in acts too. But will expand "between" to be between species and kinds of beings. called lsotmDeerMoss.
- 2007-04-26 The deer moss was soft and spongy and springy. So sweet.
- 2007-04-28 Pt. Washington State Forest walk with photos and detailed GPS waypoints and notes on locations.
- 2007-05-02 Haiku
fog full moon morning
walking to tune of visions
deer moss is soft, wet- 2007-05-05 Walked WaterColor and found one site of deer moss. Waypoint. N 30°19'42.4" W 086°08'04.2". Entered in Google Earth.
- 2007-05-08 Looking for deer moss at Blessings Beach. Found some near Deer Lake State Park parking lot. Got photos.
- 2007-05-12 Eden Gardens State Park trail N 30°22'20.0" W086°07'03.1" found extensive deer lichen site.
- 2007-05-13 Eden Gardens State Park photos and video.
- 2007-05-21 Brought printed flyer to Friends of Scenic 30A (previously Corridor Advocacy Group) meeting at library.
- 2007-05-22 It's not just the scene, it the little pieces that make up the scene. Milestone 10 years or even 5 years, 2012. Is this deer moss (deer lichen) still here and healthy? If not, why not? If so, we've done a good job of keeping Scenic 30-A.
- 2007-05-26 Walked back of Baptist Church to old road that used to cross the NW arm of Eastern Lake to connect with the Cassine trail and Eastern Lake Trail in Point Washington State Forest. N 30°18'51.0" W086°05'54.4" at about 9:30 by Baptist Church when first started seeing deer moss (deer lichen) along the way. All the way down to water and back, even along the development road coming back.
- 2007-05-27 Walked in Topsail Hill Preserve State Park and got good photos. Lots of web research. Started with "deer lichen reproductive" but didn't find any info on that.
- 2007-05-29 Heron's Watch site, back of Seaside building and power station into Deer Lake State Park. Great deer moss (deer lichen) starting at this waypoint N 30°18'56.1" W086°05'10.8". Didn't see much real thick or old, but it did stretch back into the woods like meadows, especially on west side of road. All the way to end of woods.
- 2007-06-09 british soldiers and false Reindeer lichen at the New Jersey Pinelands in New Lisbon or Estell Manor. Cladonia subtenuis is the only reindeer moss (deer lichen), out of 4, that are in FL and NJ
- 2007-07-01 I was appalled to see that a large truck had run over a good portion of deer moss at 30A SW site. Tried to photograph it with cell phone.
- 2007-07-02 Video of Scenic 30A trucked.
- 2007-07-07 (Along Hwy 30A) saw a piece of deer moss (deer lichen) in the WaterSound plantings. I think it got dropped there. Doesn't look too healthy.
- 2007-07-15 Deer moss (deer lichen) is doomed. At least the clump I had videoed has been driven on again. As I walked toward it I saw a couple of clumps really torn apart. But it is squished. Should I photo? Or just let it go and focus on the part past the reach of the mowing machine?
- 2007-07-16 When I walked along the nature path and tested deer mosses, (deer lichens) just the tiniest, next to the pathiest, they all were firmly rooted. I couldn't take one without breaking that connection. Finally found one that lifted easily. It had a leaf which came with it.
Put it on the altar.- 2007-07-23 Deer moss (deer lichen) that came for altar is named Shea. Could be pronounced Shay or Shee-ah. Put per back between the first two trees on the nature trail. See 0638 and 0639 phone pix.
- 2007-08-07 Got some photos this morning. The deer moss that was so lovely has been systematically flattened. However, seems like more and more little bits are creeping into the mowed part. So maybe they persist and survive helter skelter.
- 2007-08-16, 17, and 18 Improve web site ideas
- 2007-08-19 Scenic 30-A SW damage photos. Idea for deer lichen path icons.
- 2007-08-21 Scenarios, set sight on deer lichen sites. Could be walking tours that people could take. Bought Akvavit, a Danish liquor rumored to be flavored with deer moss.
- 2007-08-23 more links.
- 2007-08-24, 25, 26 Links and definitions. For example: rhyzines adhere lichens to the substrate. They are extensions of the lichen tallus, or body, and are made up entirely of fungal hyphae. Lots of lichen work.
- 2007-09-06 Hwy 30A SE. There are flat wide patches of very prostrate Jester lichens. Really must document. Are they trampled, naturally spreading, mowed or what? Couldn't see any perforations in the stems.
- 2007-09-07 Architecture of deer moss, which is a dance in slow motion. Or perhaps flexing in time, with each of their little granular growth reaching. Each granular part has its own TLM dancing and flexing with respect to inter-lichen recreation. So see all this glittering tininess, modeled in lightning-like flashing changes. Multiple symbiosis.
- 2007-09-17 N 30°18'59.0", W086°05'59.5" Cauliflower junction. Big tree on N side of place that I videoed. The Jester lichens are heaping up and looking different or there is a different species there. Named for the big yellowish clumps and the fact that I feel like there are four species there, took video and photos. Felt it wasn't as outstanding as the first impression. The light was wrong. Should go back at 12 noon.
- 2007-09-22 Photographs for WWP panorama at N 30°18'18.5" W086°04'22.5", Scenic 30A SE, WaterSound site.
- 2007-10-02 another TV adventurer was grabbing up reindeer moss and eating it raw for survival. He said it looked like the antlers of deer. Who was he? "Bear Grylls". What program? On Discovery channel. Man vs. Wild (see replay on 2008-11-07). Got Ibar vision to be interpreted with EIE, deer moss, and will.
- 2007-10-06 St. Joseph Preserve, Troy Deal tract, gorgeous thick deer moss. Seth Blitch said the lighter color was newer but connected to the powder puff. Called the other "british soldiers". There was one yellow patch, bigger than any I've ever seen. About 1.5' x 2.5' rectangle.
- 2007-10-07 Start a deer moss diary where I chronicle the latest gossip about my friends.
- 2007-10-15 Went to inspect deer moss at Water Sound WWP panorama location. Was struck by how tiny the moss looked today, shrunken. Also the yellow and puffy often growing together. Found good example of all three together. But photos don't really show it.
- 2007-10-20 Back to Nature at Topsail, hiking towards Campbell Lake, deer moss was spectacular but didn't get good photos
- 2007-10-24 Notes on photos 5098 through 5149. Deer moss catches iBars.
- 2007-11-04 No iBar info although some slight feeling of deer moss function is isolating and catching iBars to toss to the lakes. Kind of attractor greeters.
- 2007-11-06 Saw the sequence of iBar coming in towards brain cell, associated to deer moss, which catches and UAUs twirl on Uos over to UAUs in lake where glow beams and ? knk bend and lift.
- 2007-11-07 Go in Final Cut Pro, play with motion, use the stills of deer moss that I've been accumulating to get into it, into it, experience it. Maybe sounds in there, special effects, just play to get where I want to go. Explore it like it is Google Earth on steroids.
Start with the one I tiffed: 5149. 5098 magnifies yellow. 5122, 5130crop, 5152 all are puff magnified (photos from 10-24).- 2007-11-15 Dozed off in my chair, dreamed a red dense deer moss ball is here, like a plain tree seed.
- 2007-11-20 When looked at iBar movie again, instinct would be to interrupt right as iBar is approaching brain cell. Context, the lakes, the glow beams, the other players, the deer moss all grab and work with the iBar and eventually create the tetrahelix.
- 2007-11-27 Topsail. Lots and lots of thick deer moss. I parked before the park entry and didn't pay to go in. Took the path to right. Thought I might get lost back in there but somehow wandered back on the right path. Took a waypoint, which I should record of area of think deer lichen and a vast stretch of the Jester lichen type. Got a few good pix I think. There were about 20 ducks there, coots. Some red foliage and lightning blasted trees. A very strange white pile of gunk in deer moss (5721). Didn't probe it. A silvery-leafed plant. Photos are fun to remember the trip, but none really good.
- 2007-12-07 Found background photo for MindField (5098)
- 2007-12-16 On nature trail, coming back from the dock, deer moss all large and perked up and communicative, say HI. Lots of tiny iBars thrown up to me if I stack in spirals, paired with spiral reverse stack. Or do spiral stacks both ways. It "keeps" them (idea of magnetic keeping). Hard for me to see and do the opposite way. I get it and see the stacks take off, that is multiply and like fractals, sort of miniaturize and form into larger double spiral helixes made of lots of little spiral clumps that I had started making.
Had sensation of conscious evolution. Like participant in new activity. New for me and deer moss.- 2007-12-18 Photo the deer moss on the path to E Lake. When I looked at deer lichen, I could see helices rising like the spirals I saw servicing brain cells long ago. Say every foot or so, in quilt tabs pattern all over the forest floor. Incoming sensations. I must graphic this. Thrilling. It has the tooth of deep reality and the intensity of bodily engagement that tells me there is something way past fantasy happening here. We always wonder at life's mysteries, but there is nothing to compare with being a part of the genesis of them.
- 2007-12-21 Could write about how being with deer moss has expanded consciousness to the extent it is not even good journalism to report just on the material evidence.
- 2008-01-05 ... a weave of interconnections. In patterns of deer moss and tetrahelices. Wonder if anyone has studied it down to the tiny levels of building. Wonder if that's what I'm seeing.
- 2008-01-07 On walk, highly cheered to see the ice evergreen peppy presence of local deer moss on nature path. A few yellowy green patches.
- 2008-01-08 Lightning jags coming up with the spiral stacks in the deer moss. Seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember the significance. Remembered it was associated with glow beams. Looked at the movie today and found they are Connectors. I saw them as essentially part of what I now call "MindField", when I did Wonder in Aliceland. Associated with higher emotions, aura and all. So appropriate. How fascinating that they connect that way with field of plants.
- 2008-01-09 Continue looking at connectors. Seeing it in wild, in deer moss, didn't see anything connecting to. Now looking at page 94-95 in WinA, see that interconnects health aura with higher emotions. So in nature would it be the aura of the plant or earth aura. Or both?
- 2008-01-20 Thinking about transforming Stan's dream, with deer moss and ibars.
On walk thinking of "Dream fiction" transformational take-off on Stan's dream. Transforming day-dream about Stan's night dream about Exogenous Viral Tissue Crystals. Stan's description could be used to inspire a process. But what am I transforming? Ah, using ibars to facilitate Universal Mind. Mindfield. Question came up if have to have a big vertical planted iBar (Y) to cluster a spiral stack around.- 2008-01-21 Walk from picnic table on Eastern Lake on Cassine Trail and Eastern Lake Trail. Massive deer moss. I saw some was so open, light and airy, seeming like a different type. Also some of the green and gray, tightly interwoven, seeming like parts of the same plant. No way to separate, to tell.
- 2008-01-23 Channeled Heath down into softs of deer moss. Respite.
- 2008-02-03 Hiked from 30A north of Grayton Beach in PWSF. Deer lichen on the path. See KML map. 30°20'14.30"N 86°10'54.10"W
- 2008-03-07 Want to photograph that strange pile of roots we found near Deer Lake, with the deer moss still growing on the heap.
- 2008-03-14 Over and over again, I see how deer moss models itself after concepts of reality that come to me, but I can't define. Like the sphere-like growth tendency. And the starlight of the mind structure.
- 2008-05-04 On Hwy Scenic 30A SW, the mower has wreaked another path of destruction on the deer lichen. Tried to document but the movies just aren't clear. Digital highlights all blasted out.
- 2008-05-06 Deer moss walk and recording talk about psychic aspects of consciousness and lichen.
- 2008-05-12 Changed deer moss to deer lichen on wholeo.net.
- 2008-07-19 Idea to get gigapan software and document a whole plot of deer lichen in great detail and high resolution.
- 2008-07-27 At Heron's Watch site 2.6 entranced with deer lichen, looking at gray parts. It looks like damage somewhere, but some seem to be kind of a flowering separate growth. Then saw individually different formations.
- 2008-08-03 Photos of Scenic 30A SW. Here's an idea: each week I go to one site and get data. Then near the end of 2008 do a MindField update, physical to spiritual for state of us this year. Today I got one pic of Deer Lake west. Is that enough? todo: decide on which site for next week. Can go in woods? It is so hot. I wonder if I need a timeline table? Have I kept track of what photographed when?
- 2008-08-09 Could have an EIE made of deer moss?
- 2008-08-27 Experiencing deer moss expression is like looking at an opal.
- 2008-09-07 (Working on Buckminster Fuller Challenge (BFC))
BFC: Deer moss moment appears, and dialog ensues, comic book style, now called graphic novel style, in pictures with balloons for dialog and sound effects.
Hi, who are you?Not sure where Deer Moss of the Mind (see Liquid Starlight of the Mind) comes in.
DM: I'm deer lichen, a lowly creature spotted growing in NW Florida and elsewhere worldwide. Call me Mindfield.
Why? What? the ..
DM: I'm extremely slow growing by osmosis no by photo-synthesis, quite creative, in fact half my team does it, the alga part. The fungus part shows up as beautiful ice aqua fingers, tiny tree-like branchings soft as moss when wet but stiff and brittle when dry, bubbling and puffing up over the ground, supporting the alga. As such we are a metaphor for synthesis and cooperation, synergetic.
I'm symbolic here, another life form would do as well. I'm meditative by nature, a meditation surrogate, so to speak. If you don't have time or patience for it, I'm here, I'll carry on. Thanks for the acknowledgement.- 2008-09-16 I put the deer moss background behind 5-fold and inUnison and it looks lighter.
- 2008-10-13 Scenic 30A walk. Did a little video at the deer moss, telling the kids about what happened to it.
- 2008-10-26 Eglin Air Force Base. Fabulous deer moss discovery today. Lenny was telling about a bower bird type behavior where burrowing owls decorate their "apron" or clearing in front of their burrow with shiny things and also deer moss. He picks up a brittle lichen that is somewhat like my deer moss, but flattened out. Not a puff whatsoever. However on closer inspection see that it is the Jester lichen type, with the little red fruiting parts. It seems to be all over the ground between the stunted miniature scattered plants of other kinds. This is a military test ground where bombs are detonated. Surely this lichen can stand some forms of pollution. Approximately 30°30'35.89" N 86°46'54.31" W.
- 2008-11-09 Scenic 30A The mower has remown, leaving deer moss now, strangely enough. In afternoon, Deer Lake State Park deer moss in movie clips (1961, 1982)
- 2008-11-07 On TV show, Man vs. Wild, Bear Grylls eats reindeer moss in Iceland, to survive. See previous entry on 2007-10-02. See end of video clip.
- 2008-11-29 Photo of deer moss lichen by Lakewood/30A SE corner property.
- 2008-11-30 Was thinking of Like as basic root of lichen. Looking it up is greek word meaning to lick. thefreedictionary.com has good definition and info. Here's one line: arctic moss, Cladonia rangiferina, reindeer lichen, reindeer moss - an erect greyish branching lichen of Arctic and even some north temperate regions constituting the chief food for reindeer and caribou and sometimes being eaten by humans.
- 2008-12-05 Camp Helen State Park. Found strangest deer moss ever. A white growth or development on the Jester lichen or similar type. 30°16'15.8" N, 85°59'32.5"W
- 2008-12-06 Photos and video of new lichen at Camp Helen State Park.
- 2008-12-08 Went to E Lake Trail N photographing deer lichen. Did not find new type, but a smaller whitish lichen with tiny umbrella tiers.
- 2008-12-28 The big good news is that the bike path was mowed and the mower did not bother the plants, especially the deer moss deer lichen I'm watching. See report.
- 2008-12-30 Visited new site of deer lichen off Cassine Nature Trail. Mostly the rounded cauliflower-looking mounds.
- 2009-01-05 At Camp Helen we saw the special deer moss and I got some pictures. Met the Camp Worker couple on the trail. The guy said he doubted this was special and walked on the deer moss. The lady told him to get off after I did. I tried to explain to him why I thought it was special. He says I should ask the ranger. I explained what happened when I had (result was a referral to a social group: Friends of Camp Helen. Have not found any people interested in the plants). These people getting supported and a free place to live with our taxes and I resent their dismissive, unhelpful attitudes. Wish they would be more inquisitive, caring, interested, and supportive.
- 2009-01-16 Walk to deer moss heaven and the junction with Cassine Nature Trail. Found a few scattered instances of Cladonia prostrata. Got pictures.
- 2009-01-23 I am the #1 site for "deer moss" or "deer lichen" on Google search! Do I link to this site: http://www.killerplants.com/plant-of-the-week/20020114.asp? Says there are 6 deer lichens in scrub. Photos from St Joseph's Peninsula State Park. Photographed by Dustin P. Roebére
Hale & W. L. Culberson are the experts. Culberson died in 2003. I guess Mason Hale. The Lichen Handbook, by Mason E. Hale. or How to Know the Lichens (Pictured Key Nature Series) (Spiral-bound) books from 1970.- 2009-01-25 Walked at Camp Helen State Park. New kind of green lichen. Took photos, waypoint (30°16'35.9"N 85°59'19.8"W) and movie.
- 2009-01-30 At Camp Helen, ranger JD drove to both lichen sites and took photos for possible identification.
- 2009-01-31 Vision extending off screen to right a kind of sunflower shaped out of focus deer moss, exuding pheromones or vapors or scent or fumes or spores or healing essences. Reminds me of the aura of the sun (solar corona?) in intensity. And yet is spa color, peaceful yet electrically wet communicating pale aqua. Could imagine a movie of Dale Chihuly's Mpls. Inst. of the Arts sun, yet in lichen colors, morphing to sun in lichen colors.
Worked on a physical composite of what the ranger focused on yesterday. Cladonia evansii (was Cladina evansii), Cladonia prostrata, other deer moss, other tree lichen, and earthstar. All picked up and collaged together for his photo. Interesting brown stuff in the prostrata. interesting yellowishness in the unknown deer lichen, maybe the cillila type. Also in the dark part on the stem that I had noticed in previous photos seems to be the broken stem, showing hollowness within. Darkness of earthstar. Counting 11 rays as had done before.
Walked Deer Lake State Park Nature Trail, photos, no Cladonia prostrata.- 2009-02-03 Ideas for deer lichen perspectives: the lightest puff, the wettest puff, driest, most single species, most mixed species, most unidentified, etc. Best examples, call it.
- 2009-02-04 List of dates dealing with old growth deer lichen on Scenic 30A SW.
- 2009-02-25 Discovered Cladonia prostrata on Lakewood Dr. S vacant lot at 30°18'31.6"N 86°05'20.2W. Lo res video.
- 2009-02-27 Photographed Lakewood Dr. S vacant lot lichens.
- 2009-03-01 Photographed Lakewood Dr. S vacant lot on cold morning after rainstorm. Was entranced by the partially opened prostrata.
- 2009-03-19 Discovered that the family Cladoniaceae are also known as filigree lichens.
- 2009-03-20 through 03-22 photographed panoramas on the way to the Cassine trail deer lichen that I discovered on 01-19.
- 2009-03-28 through -3-31 photographed the deer lichen discovered two years ago on 2007-03-27. I wrote: "Lichens are definitely not at all lush. Destroyed."
- 2009-04-01 Hiked the Red Cedar Nature Trail (which has extensive lush carpets of deer lichen) and the Rocky Bayou Trail at Fred Gannon Rocky Bayou State Park.
- 2009-04-05 Photos and video on Red Cedar Nature Trail.
- 2009-04-10 through 04-11 Incubated dream based on an intuition that our consciousness process might be like the process of algal photobionts in lichen. Followed by dreams, dreamwork and artwork on this page.
- 2009-04-16 Earth Lounge radio show on 30A radio. Snookie Parish interview with wholeo.net about deer lichen.
- 2009-04-24 and 4-27 return hikes for photos and video on Rocky Bayou SP trails. See photos from the Sand Pine Trail.
- 2009-05-02 wholeo.net hosted a display and led a hike to see deer lichens at the 2nd annual Mattie Kelly Choctawhatchee Estuary Family Festival at the Fred Gannon Rocky Bayou State Park in Niceville, Florida. See details on the site or travel pages.
- 2000-05-14 Published findings based on the book Lichens of North America and the USDA website.
- 2009-05-21 Published a list of pages linked to the online google version of the book.
- 2009-07-16 Sidetracked to New Jersey. Stalking false reindeer lichen in the Pinelands and Pine Barrens.
- 2009-09-24 Art fiction: Lichen On Stage at Seaside Ampitheatre. World Wide Panorama entry, September, 2009.
- 2009-10-24 Hiked the western half of the Nokuse Section of the Florida National Scenic Trail with members of the Florida Trail Association at the NW Florida annual conference. See some video of the extensive deer lichen along the trail: Magnolia Creek.
- 2009-11-03 Video with some deer lichen east of the Hollington Rd trailhead on the Nokuse Section of the Florida Trail.
- 2009-12-16 Became entranced with Earth Balls and Earth Stars, neighbors and friends of deer lichen.
- 2009-12-17 Found a short new path in Deer Lake State Park with more earthballs and deer lichen.
- 2010-01-06 Lookout for 2010: Mindfield 2012 sparked by a dream/vision involving earthball, earthstar, and deer lichen transmission with radiant communication of the algae partners. Need to revisit and refresh all deer lichen sites with this inspiration and to foster connections.
- 2010-01-12 Saw deer lichen along the Eglin AFB part of the Florida Trail in the Alaqua Section between RR 208 and Alaqua Creek. Lichen appears at the end of the video Mow and Lop.
- 2010-01-21 Deer lichen in Point Washington State Forest leads to tiny movie, Likit.
- 2010-01-23 Walked at Topsail Preserve State Park from Hwy 98 entrance west. Recent controlled burn with lots of deer lichen crushed by firefighting equipment.
- 2010-02-18 Carpets of deer lichen on hike in Eglin AFB north of the corner of College Blvd. and Forest Rd. in Niceville.
- 2010-02-24 Lichen on My Mind, Story board updated, and Deer Lichen in Point Washington State Forest.
- 2010-02-25 In Deer Lake State Park discovered that the path was rerouted over virgin masses of deer lichen. We walked over crushed plants, sadly.
- 2010-02-26 Did video of the damaged deer lichen on the new path in Deer Lake State Park.
- 2010-03-13 Visited sites recommended by people at Estuary Festival last May. Found deer lichen in Eglin AFB on path north of Range Rd. at Pine St. in Niceville. Did not find it in recreation area on way to the Mid-Bay bridge.
- 2010-3-31 Published Enmeshed Deer Lichen -Said the Spider to the Fly photo that won Honorable Mention in the Mattie Kelly Environmental Photo Contest.
- 2010-04-01 Joined volunteer group, Friends of Deer Lake State Park. They showed me a new path west to the northern part of the lake, also routed through deer lichen. Learned that the park ranger had gotten permission from a biologist in Panama City to create the new paths over the deer lichen. Members feel that there is so much deer moss, it is everywhere, that killing it is not a problem. In fact, they expressed pleasure in treading over the light spongy puffs. "It's like walking on air" or some such idea. However, I have permission to relocate the crushed lichen from the paths to similar areas nearby.
- 2010-04-14 Started lifting deer lichen from the Deer Lake State Park nature path. The work will take several hours. I'll never get all the fragments. Time will tell if people stay on the path or continually widen it. I wish for a raised boardwalk, a lichen-over.
- 2010-05-01 Wholeo.net hosting 2nd annual Deer Lichen of the Emerald Coast display and guided hike at the 3rd annual Mattie Kelly Choctawhatchee Estuary Family Festival. See 2009-05-02. See also What's New on Earth Day 2010.
- 2010-05-14 Searched Rocky Bayou State Park Red Cedar Trail and photographed deer lichens that looked different. TODO: publish photos.
- 2010-05-27 Revisited Deer Lake State Park earth fungi site. Movie and zooming image of earthstars and deer lichen. Most of the lichen on this site is Cladonia leporina but I think this one is Cladonia subtenuis. The earthballs were gone (for the season) but there were many earthstars. I have finished the rescue mission described on 4/01 and started on 4/14.
- 2010-06-05 Hiked with FTA at the highest point in Florida on Britton Hill, seeing one patch of deer lichen along the short trail.
- 2010-08-14 In New Jersey, Belleplain State Forest, deer lichen, even though it is south of the Pine Barrens.
- 2010-08-23 In New Jersey, Allaire State Park, saw a roof on an old shingled kiosk covered with british soldiers or matchbook lichens, with their marching forms and tiny red hats.
- 2010-09-09 NW of Eastern Lake in fire break south of Pt. Washington State Forest was surprised to see it dotted with small growths of deer lichen. I know it is spread by fragmentation, which happened when the break was mowed three years ago.
- 2010-10-03 Sad to see a new fire break cut north of Scenic 30A in Deer Lake State Park parallel to the road from near the lake at least to the ranger's house. The gyrotracker drove right over the best site of earthball in deer lichen and mulched a lot of deer lichen along the break.
- 2010-10-05 On Nature Trail in Deer Lake State Park found a new interpretive sign for "Deer Moss". It is in a beautiful area of the forest carpeted with deer lichen. In my view, disconcerting to perpetuate the moss misconception but happy to see my friends described and honored.
- 2010-10-20 Began intensive focus on Earthballs, Earthstars, and puffballs, probably for the duration of 2010 and through the winter season of 2011. These fungi are close friends of deer lichen and I need to see them arise.
- 2012-12-09 I actually feel like qigong energy pathways around earth and through earthballs and lichen and vibes, I am earth, I am Gaia, I have this power to make people feel happy in being sensitive to the whole in each and every thought and action. I do not feel separate at all. It feels like a cosmic nerve thing, a neuron healing the whole view of a black dark void space. Like plugging it in to reveal, activate, and energize the connections. It doesn't end with this little universe. It insinuates into the undivided, a perfect mirror of the divided, illuminated.
- 2012-12-15 Suddenly see much more clearly why lichens are so difficult because they bridge two kinds of organisms. Suddenly it seems to me that this third strand of the DNA is lichen-like, incorporating or relating to fungi and algae and having some sort of relationship to light like algae. Is like solar-energy project for DNA rather than carbon fuel.
- 2013-01-17 Started feeling of communion with the deer lichen. Not only the spreading of vibes from earthball receivers, but my mystsynthesis blending with the photosynthesis. It is like speaking deer lichen. Read the rest at Mystsynthesis 2013.
- 2014-09-26 Today I saw an endangered species that in our area only lives on Eglin AFB. I have dreamed of doing this for seven years. I was escorted by Natural
Resource personnel in to the Closed Access area to view the Cladonia perforata. In April, 2018 I revisited Cladonia perforata sites along Hwy. 98 in that area. I found a few plants but did not find improvement.
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