Imagine, Evolution - TLM sending blessings

These pages are to give flight to your imagination. This topic envisions Tetrahedronal Light Muscles (TLMs) sending blessings. Blessings are a special kind of healing, when you consciously accelerate wishes for goodness flowing from all or nothing through you to something or everything. It is part of a series visualizing the workings of TLMs, listed under the Trips / Imagine / Evolution / Consciousness / Between section.

Trips are cyber travels envisioning, encountering, and interacting with worlds, seen as inner or outer or both. This is a both trip. The outer world in photographs is a beach at Deer Lake State Park in Florida, USA. Specifically it is the area seen across the lake from the March 2004 equinox panorama. The blowing sand ripples and rhythmic waves resonate with the ecology of mind. The inner world is a single muscle TLMing, seen within the outline of a Pineal hologram, open to the changing scene. Within you and without you; remember the Beatles song?

Imagine topics might at first look like Art or Travel, tuning in to shared reality as a base for flights into the unknown. This trip requires you to imagine seeing part of your mind as it sends a blessing.

Evolution starts on normal ground and traces expansion. Consciousness is expanding. The TLM series focuses on the structure of a normal muscle and attempts to see its actions. This one is Between; 3D is normal human consciousness, 5D is expanded, between is transitional. This one is zoomed into the muscle as it might look if you were at the beach sending a blessing.

Graphics (still views of the movie)

I revisited the site of making this panorama, deepening ties, until giving it the name "Blessings Beach". See the crabs at Blessings Beach and images at Blessings Beach. In 2009 the site is roped off on Blessings Beach.

See the Deer Lake State Park page (#5 on the map) or specifically the March 2004 equinox . I invented or discovered TLMs in the late 1960s; cross-references to TLM expand the topic. Back to the TLM series under consciousness. I entered this project in the World Wide Panorama, Best of 2005. See other WWP entries. See also a movie or a graphic of using the panorama.

Blessings Beach QTVR from Caroling Wholeo on Vimeo.

TLM blessings onshore

Note: the TLM animation offsets the beach background, which was a QuickTime 7 bug or feature.
The displacement emphasizes the "mind's eye" concept.

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