Animated visions nestle in deer lichen (deer moss). I could call them Unidentified Atmospheric Units (UAUs). Originally I "saw" these chunks shaped like tetrahedrons along the path taken by my dying son in Owens Valley, California, in 1992. In the visions, they were shaped like tetrahedrons but I sensed they were chunks of something etheric. I have had many related visions after that, but have not organized the results, nor do I have a clear explanation. I feel their appearance here now is an evolutionary step. See next steps below. If you prefer, look at still images.
Using the above movie
To see the movie on this page, you need Flash 3+.Flash allows you to zoom in and out to see details of different areas. To zoom in, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard. Click the movie, and choose Zoom in from the menu. (Not sure which browsers support this. Firefox on Macintosh shows the zoom in menu but tries to add bookmark instead of zooming.)
If you resize the page, the movie should resize to conform. Try making it as wide as you can.
Next steps
- Water with UAUs Vision
- UAU over water of Eastern Lake
- UAUs in panorama, Deer Lichen Lives on Air
- UAUs in multiple symbiosis as UAUorbs
- Deer Lichens to Eat, Litter, and Evolve shows UAUs and UAUorbs
Deer lichen site 2.4. Back to Lookout 2007, deer lichen.
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