Resume of Carol Constance Lind Caroling Wholeo Geary

Exhibition, Collection, Publication, Education, Employment, Web Art Work, Membership


One-woman show of paintings and drawings, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, 1961 see one, see some drawings

2nd Prize in Oil painting, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, 1961 see it

Painting, Ford Foundation Purchase, Walker Art Center Biennial,
by invitation, Minneapolis, MN, 1962 see it

Paintings and Drawings show, Gramercy Park Gallery, NYC, 1965 see one

Glass panel, part of a show at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, NYC, 1965 see it

Model, competion for Hall of Justice art, SF, 1967 see glass designs

Glass, Exhibition of ideas, Denver Art Museum, CO, 1975

Various shows of drawings and paintings, CA, 1975-1981 see one

Wholeo, stained glass dome, Monte Rio, CA, open to public, 1975-1981, installed at The Farm School, Summertown TN in 2005 see it on location

Online art sites, various, 1994, continuing

Selected Collections

Painting, University Art Gallery, U of MN see it

Painting, Minneapolis Institute of Art, MN see it

Stained glass, office of Daniel Tatkin, NYC see it

Stained glass for residences in NY, CA, Hawaii, and MN see one , two

Stained glass skylight, Steve Baer's Zome, Corrales, New Mexico see it

Stained glass, Homer Lee Memorial, Unitarian Fellowship, Santa Rosa, CA see it


Thesis: ``First Zen Buddhist Artists' Relationship to Contemporary Art'' see it

Stained glass illustrations in Shelter, 1973, pages 134 and 141 website

Stained glass in Step-by-Step Stained Glass by Erik Erikson, 1974, page 34 see it

Cover, story, and photos, Wholeo, stained glass dome, Glass magazine Volume 5 Number 3, April, 1977, pages 13-18 see it

Dreamwork, "A Healing Dream", in WomanSpirit magazine Volume Four, Number Sixteen, 1978, pages 40-42 see it

Story on Wholeo Dome in Making Room, Heresies 11 magazine, 1981 see it

Stained glass illustration in Holyearth Journal, Summer 1982 see it

Stained glass panel "Brain Cell" on cover of Brain Training by Michelle Lewis MacAlpine, Ph.D. 2004 Google source

Biographied in the book Feminists Who Changed America, 1963-75, 2006 bibliography

Wholeo dome, Bump, and Caroling pictured (pages 217-219) in the book Spaced Out: Crash Pads, Hippie Communes, Infinity Machines and Other Radical Environments of the Psychedelic Sixties, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., NY, 2008 see book

Wholeo Dome slides included in the exhibition at MCA Denver that opened in 2011 that was associated with the book: West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America, 1965 to 1977, 2012 Google Books source

Photos of Wholeo Dome from Spaced Out included in the exhibition associated with the book: The Whole Earth, California and the Disappearance of the Outside, 2013 Amazon source


BA in Studio Art, U of MN, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, 1956

Master of Fine Arts, University of Minnesota, 1960

AS in Electronics Technology, Santa Rosa Junior College, CA, 1984

Continuing education: math through Calculus, programming languages from Pascal through C++, industry-related seminars, technical writing


Teacher: Teaching Assistant at U of MN 1956-1960. Workshops, 1962-1979

Stained Glass Artist: Worked at three studios, 1961-1966. Free-lance, 1967-1981, produced a dozen commissions in addition to Wholeo Dome links

Electronic Technician and Application Programmer: 1982-1986 Santa Rosa Junior College and Watson Johnson

Technical Writer: 1986-1996. Most recent employment at Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) in Interactive Technologies, working on the cutting edge of the information highway via multimedia and TV. Previously employed at Raynet, The Wollongong Group, Altos, Borland International, and Amdahl.

Web Work

Artist: 1996, continuing. Making a web site for the creative work of my lifetime. Entries in FILE, Wrinkle in Time, Prix Ars Electronica, World Wide Panorama, and other web activities are included in the site. Search for details. see it

Online: Personal on Facebook. Wholeo on Facebook. Videos on Vimeo and YouTube. Pinterest. Leo John Geary on Facebook. I HEART Deer Lake State Park Facebook group.


Emerald Coast Meditation Society (an informal organization, see page) and The Nature Conservancy (Legacy member). Former: South Walton Community Council (SWCC), Florida Trail Association (FTA, see page), Choctawhatchee Bay Alliance (CBA, see page), Sierra Club, WFSU (PBS and NPR), Friends of Deer Lake State Park.

R&D documentation at SGI, 1995

Interactive Community Runtime and Author User's Guide, a manual for an SGI R&D project that never shipped. Written and illustrated by C. Geary

For the life, see Timeline and Art Is It. Back to Caroling.

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