The FILE, FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE LINGUAGEM ELETRÔNICA or Electronic Language International Festival, is an annual established international computer art competition in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2011 it expanded to the FILE PRIX LUX, which offers prize money. FILE categories include: web art, net art, artificial life, hypertext, computer animation, real time teleconference, virtual reality, soft art, games, interactive movies, e-videos, digital panoramas and electronic art installations and robotics, through interactive and immersive rooms. FILE PRIX LUX categories were: Interactive Art, Digital Language, and Electronic Sonority. See Caroling's Wholeo Online FILE entries:
- 2006
- Panorama: Eyes in Back of Head - Eastern Lake, afternoon
- Program: Color Healing Generator
- Animation: TLM Lights of Mind, Blessings
- 2007
- Manifest Evolution: International Water Ritual (Flash movie)
- Rubber Hits the Wood: WWP transportation (VR Panorama)
- Forest Walk Painting: State Forest landscape (iPod movie)
- 2011
News (in English and Portuguese):
We are happy to announce that your work, previously exhibited at FILE 2007, has been selected to be part of the FILE Rio 2008 edition. The event will be taking place at Oi Futuro (, an art institute in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from February 26th to March 29th, 2008.
FILE Electronic Language International Festival congratulates you once again.
The FILE Rio 2008 Selection Committee
É com satisfação que informamos que seu trabalho previamente exibido no FILE – Electronic Language International Festival 2007, foi selecionado para participar do FILE Rio 2008. O FILE Rio 2008 terá a mostra de sua terceira edição na Oi Futuro (, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 26 de Fevereiro a 29 de Março de 2008.
O FILE Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica a/o parabeniza mais uma vez.
Caroling is an old artist who created the environment, Wholeo Dome (, in medieval stained glass on a geodesic dome frame. The Wholeo quest continues the search for the whole self. Worked as electronic technician and programmer, but most recent and relevant experience was as technical writer at Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI,, for interactive TV. Now full-time art webber or web artist of, her ambition is to promote whole being for herself and all. This includes visions of modeling the normal human psyche, showing how it changes with expansion of consciousness, and designing a new species based on the principles discovered in the process. It is the evolutionary Elobeing. Caroling grew up in the middle of the USA but has lived on all coasts (currently Florida) with three life-changing trips abroad: Europe (1954), Peru/Bolivia (1981), and New Zealand (1996). See resume for details of profession.
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