Caroling - by Bruce Varner on Florida Trail, 2016 Access Catalog Color home Caroling Lookout Trips Access - maps Site map pad

About Carol Geary, a.k.a. Caroling

color me Caroling

My legal name is Carol Geary, but call me Caroling*. This is the personal pit of the site (wholeO Onward, Specifically, pit means catchall, that is, whenever something strictly relating to my mostly-small ego identity self comes up, it falls in the Caroling directory. Also, pit meanings of all kinds reverberate truthfully here. In addition to resume and family, I get into being a channel and mediums of expression. Note: if you got here from Save-The-Wholeo Dome, go to Wholeo Rising and Wholeo Dome at The Farm. Each week I weB log (that was until 2019 when I started working on a 5-year plan movie).

What do you see in the picture to the left (click it)? Can you see a person within the colors? Please let me know. Some see the face and get the feeling. Some don't. Some see a swastika in the swirling colors, that I did not intend. However, in my view, it is time to reclaim this wonderful ancient symbol from Nazism. I'm happy and proud to be associated with Navaho swirling winds, Hopi wandering tribes, a sun wheel, and many of the concepts related to the swastika image. Here's another photo. My web lair, home.

Welcome to my node

It is February, 1997. From now on, I'll develop Web pages. In 1994, I saw that the Web was my solution, but until now I haven't had enough time. So what are the problems to be solved? There is a lifetime of creative visual art and writing to share. The past of the lifetime includes work as a stained glass artist, a book designer, sundry drawings, paintings, sculptures, environments, and years of ideas kept in a journal. In the future of the lifetime, the physical art continues, but is communicated online. The journal, the writing, and book designing, continue online. That tells you I'm an artist, but why? What is the vision? It has to do with the search for the whole self. What is consciousness, that is, how can I picture it and conceive of it? What happens when consciousness expands and evolves? What can I imagine if I really let my whole self be free?

It was almost 2007, the start of the Wholeo year and the end of the first decade of publishing Wholeo Online. Time to reflect on great beginnings -- things I've been privileged to be excited by, involved with, and worked on but that aren't yet established. Seedlings of life. For more, see Caroling, Looking Back. Timeline 0. Timeline. Now almost 2017, after two decades, Wholeo Online -> wholeO Onwards.


The resume is a short list of my accomplishments including exhibition, collections, publication, education, and employment.

See me on the family page. And meet my children, Elizabeth and Leo. Family continue on other pages. And then there are people.

I channel. Argh! This word might be very misleading. The channel is open and on. An introduction describes what channeling means to me. Included is a modest homage to my spiritual parents. There are some examples and content.

Fun and Games with Gma. Wholeo Blog.

Seasonal or not

Through the change of the millennium in 2001, greetings (of the season) and timely events were important. From 2002 and on, back to seeing in the dark, in color and trips. In case of death, see the life and death pages.

Other sites

The Wholeo Exhibit is hosted by Sito, a fascinating art site. The slide collection takes you into the stained glass dome, surrounding you with ever-changing colored light. Links I like.

*Caroling, the name came to me from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass - Passage to India. This site shows the line numbers, but has ads and cookies: Leaves of Grass - Passage to India, verse 11, line 181.

"O we can wait no longer!
We too take ship, O soul!
Joyous, we too launch out on trackless seas!
Fearless, for unknown shores, on waves of ecstasy to sail,
Amid the wafting winds, (thou pressing me to thee, I thee to me, O soul,)
Caroling free - singing our song of God,
Chanting our chant of pleasant exploration."

For a brief name history see Carol Lind, Carol Lind Geary, Caroling, Caroling Geary, or Caroling Wholeo. Well OK, any one of those could include the given middle name Constance. Cool is the CCC effect: Carol Constance Caroling.

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© 1997 - 2018 Caroling. All rights reserved. Page created: 1997-02-14. Last modified: 2023-02-09