{Back to top of page}For me, color is a very important part of the search for the whole self. If we are composed of flickering vibrations of colored light, then color is our most direct language. First let's talk about color for color's sake, in and of itself. Afterimage is here now; more later. Next are ways to get the colors we need and want. Let's do it here right on the computer. Color weather discusses and provides interactive color. Altars are colored windows for your display. Adventure into the mythical Akashic color realm. Here's to your vitality and color health. The latest additions are in colorful links at the end of the list. Topics:
- Afterimage
- Color Weather programs
- Pop-up Altars (new windows). Many choices of art or rainbow colors. All altars are available from either one of:
- Akashic Record color access
- Colorful links
The Color pages can't be recolored if you see the background graphic. The "Recolor" button is here as it is on pages in other sections. Red-orange is the color code for the color section. For more information, see the access page.
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