Eartha, an earthball with pine needle "chopsticks" for tasting spores
Click for wider view 1/6 or larger view 1/15
In Dec. 2012, this earthball had opened, but never appeared so elegantly and many colored as it did on Jan. 6, 2013. The rich effect must have been partly due to the light. When I returned in a couple of days and later in the day, it was back to earthy tones of beige and brown. On Jan. 15 it had been served up with some sort of aqua sauce. I haven't seen this effect before.
This earthball is in the firebreak at the edge of the Pt. Washington State Forest, to the east of Eastern Lake, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Eartha appears in the Selected Other Contest Entries section of the 2014 Calendar of the Mattie M. Kelly Cultural & Environmental Institute at Northwest Florida State College (MKEI).
I first found an "earth flower" in 2009. Since then they have not appeared in the same places each year, but have progressively sprung up closer to my home. Here is a chronological list:
- 1/31/2009 Unnamed DLSP
- 12/17/2009 Unnamed DLSP
- 1/24/2010 Round, Star, Fang, String, Flare and Transducer Lakewood strip mall, 30A east
- 11/9/ 2010 Chapel 30A west, Seagrove Beach
- 12/16/2010 Earth Speaks DLSP
- 12/24/2010 Pucker Up and others 30A west
- 1/7/2011 Excavation 30A west
- 12/2011 Earthballs near outback
- 11/2012 Pucker, Singers and Tooth near outback
- 01/2013 Eartha, the photos on this page
- 11/2018 Earthball in the firebreak
See also Puffball Watch. Back to Eastern Lake.
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