These pages are to give flight to your imagination and information for evolution.{Back to top of page}Wrinkle 10, March equinox 2000 in two parts, the story and the setting.
- Story: The spirit of a person gathering colors to the chakras (that is, energy centers up the spine) and integrating them. In this QuickTime movie, press the round blue button ( )to open the other movie (panoramic setting). An alternative is the Flash version.
- Setting: At the Great Spirit Path stone poem circle, colors telling stories assemble to tell a story of chakras. That is, energy centers up the spine. QuickTime panorama. For more on chakras, see chakra cross references.
See immersive imaging for help, info, and all other immersive imaging, including QuickTime movies, at Wholeo Online. See also, the list of Caroling's wrinkles.
This panorama is part of a project to document each month of the year 2000 in QTVR movies. It is called View 2000, a QTVR-a-month by producers around the world. This is March, month 3.
Caroling's wrinkles.And see Wrinkle Links for more information about things wrinkly.
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