- Book of Wholeo has a description in words with links to stained glass panels.
- Wonder in Aliceland book entry has a description in words and a black and white drawing.
- Vibe Coloring book entry has a description in words and black and white graphics to be cut, pasted, and colored as a mandala.
Stained Glass
Aura, Wavelengths, several stained glass panels in the dome Wholeo
See the Wonder description and Vibe description for black and white drawings suitable for coloring. Get more creative with Vibe stationery (under Interactive). Art fiction: "Birth of a Vibe". Wholeo Symbol in vibes, 1975.Book cover, color
Wonder in Aliceland book cover. See graphic 3, the top right.Web Altar, animated
Rolling rainbow vibes show animated aura/wavelengths shapes.
- Specification for the Insight machine. From 1972, a design for envisioning brain waves in real time on a computer.
- Vibe Stationery is a dotted yellow form for drawing vibes in action, based on brain cell information storage block structures.
- Study for Raising Vibrations is a QuickTimeVirtual Reality (QTVR) panorama showing red to purple, long to short vibes in a sphere that you spin and pan up and down.
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