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- January y2k for the year in general at Lookout 2001
- February 14 Valentine's Day
- View2000 monthly vision quests.
- March 20 equinox at 07:35 UTC (March 19 at 23:35 in California)
- April 22 Support the Earth Day 2000 Clean Energy Agenda
- May 5 - July 25 In the Rainbow Bridge event, help create a timewave for galactic consciousness, based on the Mayan calendar. The start page is http://www.tortuga.com/ollin/index.html. I don't know where this comes from, but the visions are in accord with mine. Note that these links are broken in 2011 although http://www.tortuga.com exists. I'm drawn to http://www.tortuga.com/portal/art which helps explain the enigmatic "Time is Art".
- May 14 Mother's Day celebrate earth, saint, and matrix or blessings of Gaia
- June 21 solstice at 01:48 UTC
- July 4 Independence Day
- September 22 equinox at 17:27 UTC
- December 21 solstice at 13:37 UTC
- December 31 change of the millennium to January 1, 2001
Caroling goes on vision quest each month during the year 2000. See the list.
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