Wholeo Fuller Dome Yoga Mat

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Yoga Meditation on the Mat

Wholeo Fuller Dome Yoga MatI thrilled to the first use of Wholeo Fuller Dome Yoga Mat. It is a way to intimately interact with geodesic geometry that I have not experienced from overhead domes. It is consciousness expanding and concentrating at the same time. It has a dynamic sense of centered balance. See poses that are Center Oriented, Left Oriented, Right Oriented, Group, or Events. Plus an impersonation of 5D Brain Cell synergy .

Center Oriented

Standing BowStanding Bow. From the center pentagon out.

Sitting Sitting. Oriented to the far edge pentagon.

Bent Forward Bow Bent Forward Bow

Bent forward flying Bent Forward Flying. Hands oriented to far left and right edge pentagons.

Reaching back Reaching Back. Hands oriented to left and right edge pentagons.

Bent back Bent Back. Leaning back onto left and right edge pentagons.

Hands behind back Hands Behind Back

Left Oriented

Meditation cushion Meditation Cushion

Left 5-fold Left 5-fold. Head at left edge pent. Left hand at far left edge pent. Right hand at right edge pent. Left foot at far edge pent. Right foot at far right edge pent.

Focus Focus. Notice there are five struts from the middle of the center pentagon to the middle of one of the five edge pentagons that in this set I call the left edge pent.

Focus bow Focus Bow. Reach to the left edge pentagon.

V lifts V Lifts. Part of core carolyoga.

I love you I love you. Five people could sit here this way, spines aligned.

Thank You Thank You

Right Oriented

Right 5-fold Right 5-fold

Right side prayer Right Prayer


5D brain cell enactment. Caroling impersonating five brain cells synergizing. 5D brain cell enactment. Caroling impersonating five brain cells synergizing.


Looking south, doing the 'to solstice' shoulder stand where inner and outer sun stand still, in sync. Outer Solstice 2018 looking south, doing the 'to solstice' shoulder stand where inner and outer sun stand still, in sync.

Solstice sun at full moon time transmitting galactic light which the moon reflects back to earth The sun at solstice transmits light from the center of the galaxy beyond. At full moon time, shadows are aligned with this direction pointing to the moon toward the outer edge of the galaxy. The moon reflects sun and galactic center light back to earth.

Art works seed new ones. Being on this mat I'm aware of Fuller Dome overhead, with Edwardsville, IL on the map overhead. I can remember being there in October, 2018. But what if a smart dome yoga map mat would have GPS and could reprogram the nadir location of my current site in Florida? The Dymaxion (or Google Earth) antipode would appear in the mat's map. Then I could truly feel I was within a 3D earth model. I wonder if digital technology exists to create an electronic mat? If so, the configuration of struts would change to match the frequency of the dome overhead.

Wholeo Dome Yoga Mat design with geodesic framework Wholeo Dome Yoga Mat design with stained glassFor example, if I were in Wholeo Dome in Tennessee. If I were not, I could choose that programmed location. Maybe with a mobile phone map. It would truly be a dynamic maximum ion projection completion in real time. See Wholeo Dome Programmable Yoga Mat.

5D Brain Cell Yoga Mat designAnother idea is the 5D Brain Cell Yoga Mat inside a virtual model of expanded consciousness.

Wholeo Programmable Mat - MCS Color Healing expands the yoga mat concept two ways. First of all it is programmable. There are programmable yoga mats but I do not yet know how or to what language I would convert the Flash Actionscript code. Secondly the mat is not a globe underfoot. The MCS spiral galactic sun path shows earth's quarterly solstice and equinox events.

Wholeo Dome Programmable Yoga Mat.

See Fuller Dome.

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