*Equinox visionary results 5 - Medicine Wheel

The *Wrinkle 8 project has begun. The *vision quest is on. *Visions happen. *Visionary results to see.

Wrinkle 8 sync - the Great Spirit Path vision. The Bristlecone Medicine Wheel is ring of logs like the Great Spirit Path, but on the other side of California, high in the White Mountains near Nevada. In my equinox vision, however, the logs appear to join the stones. They take on the colors of the healing runestones and add to the rhythms. One of them is the mascot of Wholeo Online. I call that station of the wheel the "sky keeper".

There are three versions of the September 1999 equinox vision. They correspond to (1.) walking around the wheel in daylight, (2.) imagining it in moonlight, or (3.) focusing on the colored light visions, rather than the exterior reality. This set is the fifth whirl. There might be more. Stay tuned.

path iconFor movies, you need get Flash Flash and get QT 4 QuickTime 4. See immersive imaging for help, info, and all other immersive imaging, including QuickTime movies, at Wholeo Online. See also, the list of Caroling's wrinkles.

The roots of this project are:

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