{Back to top of page}On July 25, I sat in meditation at sunrise in the park, between forest and the sea. Although I don't understand or follow the Dreamspell calendar, I celebrate the Time is Art site's "Day Out of Time" (DOOT). Arising with compelling visions of being out of ordinary space too, I zoomed a tetrahedron-shaped path from here to the sun, to the center of the galaxy, to the star Sirius and back to earth. All the while being streamed with vibes at an angle. Going on beyond.
This video conveys that momentary experience. In the coming days at unexpected times, the visions expanded and enhanced. More videos to come. At the same time I realized the beam was nothing new. Something I've encountered and visualized intermittently since 1979.
Sketches and thumbnail for movie of visions of the day. Alternatively see the video on YouTube.
See weB log for details of my observance of the Day Out of Time in 2017, which is designated in time as July 25. Sirius is important to the Time is Art people. It also was important to me in Peru. See On the Way to Machu Picchu references: first and second. See the links for past years' celebrations of the day and how it became a Wholeo tradition for me.
Green gold colors of sea oats on the beach
Track in the sunlit glittering sand at beam angle
Sky chart showing Sirius on the horizon rising during sunrise meditation on 2017-07-25
First mention of the Day Out of Time in journal is in year 2000. I had been aware of Jose Arguelles since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. Celebrated DOOT in 2011. Not in 2012.
More: Ongoing Visions - Day Out of Time 2017
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