Galactic Beam Sync - July 26, 2013 from Caroling Wholeo on Vimeo.
{Back to top of page}On July 26, 2013 I observed Galactic Synchronization. See the movie: Galactic Synchronization 2013.
Up and out to the beach to join global sunrise meditation sponsored by associates of José Argüelles. This is a quickie video journal of wakeup chaos zeroed out. Text from the movie:
"Extreme turbulence onIf you don't have sound on, here is the text on the walkway:
micro level.
Speedy (like drug)
Whirling peppermints.
sound"My body is elated, excited. I feel there is this gift
and yes, making the right awareness decisions now
is like catching a horse running by, getting on and
riding with this energy."Meditation consisted of matching the frequencies. They seemed to be units. Tiny units of everything. It might be that the beam gives you the ability to sense these different frequencies that were there all along. They aren't really new. So I needed to not only every frequency match. Or not be irritated by .. Neutralize? I guess it is a process of zeroing of some kind.""Waking early on July 26, 2013, I meditated during
sunrise, synchronizing to the new galactic beam."Here is the info from the Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time:
We invite you to join us at sunrise on Kin 164, Yellow Galactic Seed (26 July) in a worldwide synchronized ceremony for planetary resurrection in celebration of Galactic Synchronization and the launching of Timeship Earth!Video by Caroling of
. . .
A note on synchronization: Planet Earth is a unity of synchronicity, so rather than using a "precise" (mechanical) clock-time to synchronize our ceremonies, let us create a rolling wave of synchronized consciousness as the Earth spins in time by synchronizing our ceremonies to the DAWN of Kin 164, Yellow Galactic Seed (26 July).Here is a still from the movie. Bird syncing to new Galactic Beam. It is an endangered snowy plover.
See Galactic Synchronization.
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