Use keyboard arrow keys
up or down. If lines do not come together in a circle, you can not see all around
Zoom with shift and control keys
{Back to top of page}In the all around QTVR movie above, you can pan up and down to the top and bottom of a spherical space. If the lines come together in a blue circle at top and bottom of a sphere, you can move all around, up and down. If not, get QuickTime 5 + . Or just look around at the horizon, with QuickTime 4 or lower.
I call the basic movie signal or peeling the grape. Joel Smith added the auto-rotation. He sees it as a Gooseberry jellyfish, to which he also added sounds of swimming. See and hear it.
This page shows what it is in each part of the Wholeo Online site for QTVR all around. These movies look spherical, yet they are created with cubic technology. It is new in the year 2000. QTVR cylinders (movies that spin around the horizon) are on the earlier immersive interactive imaging page. See it for links to related topics.
Note: QuickTime 7.1.5 fixes this: QuickTime 7.1.3 disables embedded Flash tracks by default. Previous versions enabled Flash by default. You need to enable Flash in QuickTime settings to see Lookout Mars and Symbols of Wholeo and Consiousness listed below. For details, see the announcement.Here are the all around QTVRs.
- Rubber Hits the Wood, World Wide Panorama, September equinox, 2006.
- Color EIE generator shows the interface of a color healing program.
- Marketplace of Ideas, World Wide Panorama 5, March equinox, 2005.
- Lookout Mars is a psyberspace decompression chamber for contemplating a move to Mars. Some Flash 5- tracks.
- Wholeo is a 14-foot stained glass dome. Be in colored light, yet see out all around.
- Symbols of Wholeo and Consciousness in a Flash movie clip over the movie at the top of this page. (Converted to Flash, QT has Flash 5- track.)
- Inside view of an EIE is a colored structure, a meditation space.
- Vibe icosahedron turns a sculptural drawing inside out.
- Globe is a NASA satellite image of earth from orbit. It looks inside-out.
- Web-safe color cube is 216 colors, 36 per side.
- Cube is simply that. Four colors around, white and black are up and down.
- Radar Awry is a collaboration with my computer, Nob, for a visually rich spin.
If you have QT 5+, the graphic at the left matches the movie on the right. If the movie says "Get QT 5", get the latest QuickTime! Note: use either the graphic or the movie as a badge to link to this page. See also the badge page.
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