Carolyoga Orbits Galactic

This guidance came to me on July 6, 2014. It relates to Galactic Beam Being. Orbits are part of a daily practice I call carolyoga.

360° orbits around X, Y, and Z axes in a yoga practice on the beach.

Thinking about what Galaxy Beam Being is.

Tuning into my beacon there, GC (Galactic Center). Thinking how happy that makes me. I guess that's a centering grounding that actually makes me happy.

Then I thought of a supergalaxy, perpendicular to that.

Suddenly I related it to my orbit yoga. Maybe I could have that be a prayer or a yoga to tune in.

OK, let's see. I've got one orbit earth and our galaxy around my waist. Up above my head orbit would be the supergalaxy.

Each hand starts with an energy connection to the largest aspects possible. All. It repeats the orbit with an energy connection to the small, the miniature, the tiniest aspects possible. Nothing.

The practice concludes with swing twists out around and into the heart in each direction. Namaste forward and back.

Aternatively see Vimeo. See Wholeo Galactic. Back to Daily Routine and Carolyoga.

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