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Wholeo.net is all about moving from the path to the grass and beyond. People, color, stained glass, laughing, sea, shore, forest, trails, and hiking. Stalking the cosmos, moon, Noint Joint, Imagine, torus. An hour after solstice at sunrise on 12.21.2012, illumination shift happens and I go galactic. Triangulation between here and there via the stars. The Sun! Color Healing generation. Vertical spiritual energies transduced into horizontal earth energies meet deer lichen. Wholeo galactic symbol takes Eyebing leaps to EIEbing at galactic center and beyond. Come see my lifework at wholeo.net.
Video: YouTube, Vimeo, QuickTime, QT Lo-Res, or direct.
Here are links to the samples in the video:
- People, color and stained glass
- Laughing
- Sea shore
- Trails and hiking
- Moon
- Noint Joint, Imagine, Torus
- I Go Galactic
- Triangulation, 2008 teaser trailer
- Color Healing Generation
- Energies Transduced, deer lichen
- Wholeo Galactic Symbol, Eyebing, EIEbing
See the Wholeo Galactic and the Wholeo symbols. Back to Lookout 2015.
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{Wholeo Online} ~ {Lookout} ~ {2015}