This page has links to all software plugins used on the Wholeo Online immersive interactive imaging site. Flash and QuickTime are the most important. Web3D VRML viewers will be in time. Probably outdated: Zoom, iMove, and SuperCard are required or mentioned on a few pages.
Many works require Flash browser plug-in. If the left hand movie says "Flash 5 OK", you have the Flash 5+ plug-in. Otherwise, a graphic might say "Upgrade Flash" or if it is blank, you need the Flash plug-in. The other movie tests for Flash 8. Flash 10 breaks some movies in October, 2008 but now most are fixed.
In 2006, Adobe published Flash 9+ to prevent security vulnerabilites, that is, prevent hackers from using Flash destructively. Not a problem on, but please upgrade your Flash plug-in. Frequent updates are available from Adobe with a small download. Here is how to do it:
- Bookmark the Flash movie you want to see, then return to this page.
- Make sure your web connection is active.
- Go to the Adobe download page.
- Click the download button.
Results vary according to platform. If the installation is automatic, you can verify it with a test movie on the Adobe page, and skip to the last step (8.).- If asked, save the Installer to your desktop.
- When the download is complete, locate the Installer and double-click on it. The Installer will launch and dialog boxes will lead you through the rest of the installation process.
- Quit the browser and restart.
- Return to the Flash movie you want to see. When it begins playing, your installation is successful.
Find answers about Adobe Flash Player use, testing, and more in their list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You need QuickTime to see and hear many things on QuickTime includes a player, web browser plug-in, and essential software supporting MP3, VR, Flash ***, and other formats. Get one of the top web browser plug-ins for a great variety of file types such as graphics, music, sound, sprites, text, VRs, panoramas, animation, and content streamed over the web. If you are having trouble seeing the movies, you might need more components. If you have a custom installation of all components, see immersive imaging for help page links.
*** QuickTime 7.1.5 fixed a problem introduced with QuickTime 7.1.3 disabling embedded Flash tracks by default. Previous versions enabled Flash by default. Later QuickTime does not support Flash tracks. For details, see the announcement.
Web3D VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) viewers Cortona and FreeWRL (Macintosh) worked for me in 2008. To build your own model, see for a link to SpringDance, a free Windows program for modeling synergetic geometry.
You need iMove viewer (for Mac or PC) for some spherical displays. The download includes both browser plugin and desktop viewer. Visit the iMove site . This viewer was formerly named SmoothMove.
Note, obsolete: If you don't have Zoom or one of the versions of this applet developed from the Live Picture days, I don't know if you can get it. I'm redoing the pages requiring Zoom. However, this paragraph is here for historical reasons.You need MGI Software Zoom viewer from (or it was prior to 2003) to see some of the spherical displays. The viewer display is not high quality but the download is small for what you get. You can see sphere undistorted, in the round. You spin back, forth, up and down, just as you would look around if you were really there, inside. Put your pointer in the window and drag it around. The viewer space is a sphere. The download includes both browser plugin and desktop viewer. This viewer was formerly named Live Picture. (See also credits for Java applet.)
Note: the related SuperCard pages are obsolete, and could be updated, using a current technology.
You needed a SuperCard web plug-in (previously named Roadster), to see a few special projects. Tested with Macintosh only, before 2000. There no longer is a web plug-in for SuperCard.
See immersive imaging for help, info, and all other immersive imaging, including QuickTime movies, at Wholeo Online.{Back to top of page}
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