On the carolyoga breathing page I say, "First comes breathing out". Here is some background for that statement and the rest.
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- Kundalini yoga breath. In 1975, I studied with two Yogi Bhajan disciples in Boulder CO. I knew about Kundalini Yoga and specifically breathing before attending classes in 1975. Ten years earlier I had read The Serpent Power, Bhaghavad Gita, and the Upanishads. In 1973 I spent a day at a retreat where we performed it. But the 1975 classes introduced me to the powerful outbreath and integrating it with practice of yoga poses.
- Korean walk info in NZ. In 1996 on a trip to New Zealand I met someone from Korea. Together we explored the Waitomo Caves. Trying to walk uphill, I became out of breath and couldn't keep up. He taught me the way to breathe more air without opening my mouth. Breathe in once, then once again before doing the same double breathing out. The breathing out to be forceful and twice as long as the breathing in. It makes you process more air, go deeper. I still use the technique.
- Breathing into a pose. I can't remember where or how I learned this technique that I use in carolyoga. It's probably my adaptation of several teachings. In moving into a yoga pose, after taking a first approximation, breathe out and hold. Find and release contrary muscles and anything not needed for the hold. Aim for the minimal tension needed. Breathe in for energy. With each breath out, sink a little deeper into the pose, while relaxing unneeded tensions sending oxygen and prana to working parts of the body. I find myself stretching or reaching farther, enhancing and stabilizing the pose with each breathing. Becoming more relaxed and expending less energy, I give the pose up to the universe, feeling myself suspended by love and care of the all. This way the pose lasts longer, the experience is more reverent, the benefit greater.
- Exhale. I heard a Seane Corn interview on NPR (radio), learning she teaches yoga at a spa named Exhale.
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