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{Back to top of page}Countdown in 10 steps to the opening of the Highway 331 Expansion trail. It is on National Trails Day, June 7, 2014. Watch the 10 day video countdown to June 7 showing the steps it took to create our new trail. These steps are combined in the 12-minute movie, "Making a New Section" on the project page.
10 steps
This work was part of the FTA 331 Trail Expansion. This video is non-commercial and for educational purposes.
- Step 1: Need
- Step 2: Proposal
- Step 3: Approval
- Step 4: Design and Layout
- Step 5: Flagging
- Step 6: Approval Route
- Step 7: Pinning
- Step 8: Logistics
- Step 9: Construction
- Step 10: Intro on Trail Philosophy and Opening Hike (see Vimeo or YouTube)
Back to Highway 331 Expansion Project.
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