Making an object movie in QTVR

What version is the target?
Can I make a reference movie to support multiple platforms?
What resources do I have?
Web pages:
Make bookmark folder of them in QTVR folder
That says to take stills, then prepare them for "Convert to movie" I have that tool, but Eric Blanpied of Apple said on 6/18/98:
The functions of ConvertToMovie are available in MoviePlayer Pro. Use
File:Open Image Sequence... to open a series of images. Then you can
save the movie as is, or use "Export..." and pick "to QuickTime Movie" to
compress the sequence.
SpinPicture from somewhere for $49 does this:
Product Functionality:
Easily align multiple images
Create cross platform photo object movies and animations
View 360 degree object movies with QuickTime player and
Internet browsers
Acquire images directly from disk
Drag and drop images from desktop
Arrange the order of images
Rotate images by 90 degree
- Wigetizer is better. I have demo.
It imported group named pic.1, pic.2 and so on, but put them in the wrong order. Also, limited to standard sizes.
What to do?
- Photoshop file with 24 layers. Pile up, aligning as best possible. Put blue outside guides at limits of photos. Fill in photos that are short, if you can.
- Make an action to savLayer, with flatten, insert save as Manually to layer number: it.1 (Pict or ? for ConvertToMovie) or it1 (MoviePlayer3 open sequence. Look at file types it will use, BMP for one, PICT has to be converted) , close, open (layered psd file). So end up with a series of files, say 24, 36 better.
- Using ConvertToMovie, open it.1 and then it.24 and it gets the works. Fill out the add data rate or whatever it is. Flatten and save as .mov.
- Open in MoviePlayer 3. Change size if wanted (half size). Save as self contained. OPen that movie if it isn't and "Export..." and pick "to QuickTime Movie" to
compress the sequence.
- Open in Make QTVR Object. What about it. Have choice of object type between scene object or object in scene. I picked the last. You arrow around, don't grab with hand. Look at readme for the tool. Is different in QTVRAS, page49, you have 4 choices. Can't remember. When saving, make playable on windows, called "Cross platform".
- In embed statement on web page, controller="True", add 16 to height to show controls. Doesn't seem to matter about multiples of 4, but I haven't tested it on windows yet.
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