High Point State Park in NJ contains a portion of the Appalachian Trail hiked by two women and three boys on July 29, 2012. Here is our story in movie and images.
Movie: Airbenders' Hike on Vimeo (no ads) or YouTube (more quality choices).
On the map, the red point "P" is where we parked the car in a lot east of the Visitor Center on Route 23. It is not as close to the red line of the AT as the map shows.
Painted blue blazes mark the path until it intersects with the Appalachian Trail, which is clearly marked with white blazes. An AT sign is shown in the photo to the left. The rocky path is sometimes slippery when wet and is not wheelchair accessible. We saw a little poison ivy and no wildlife, except a small red lizard and some inch worms.
It took less than an hour to reach a high point with large flat rocks overlooking Sawmill Pond and the rest of the US stretching to blue hills in the distance to the west. We had passed the Blue Dot trail leading down to the campsites by the pond where we had camped in 2011. Now we could see the lake 350' below (see large or medium size photo).
The emblems emblazed on the boys' foreheads are for the superheros called "Airbenders". It is all in fun.
More pictures. Back to the New Jersey High Point State Park page.
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