Day 5 Panhandle Trace Hike 2013

Day 5 Panhandle Trace Hike 2013

Panhandle Trace Hike #10, 2013Click image for Google map of starting locations, although it was changed for this day. We met at the hike starting point, the Harold store, because most of the hikers did not want to do the second half of the hike on roads with traffic. On the map see Day 4. PHOTOS.

4/02/2013 On April 2 I hiked the first six miles, starting at 7:30 from Harold store south through the Yellow River Ravine section. It was glorious. Perfect weather, good hiking partners and beautiful scenes.

When writing this on 4/3, the next day, I'm exhausted and with bad Internet connection in a motel in Milton. Must get ready for tomorrow and new decisions depending on the weather and whatever other factors appear.

So all I have now is this picture. For more detail see the 1800 pixel-wide version. More about it in my Trace Hike Blog:

Fall colors in spring, so many changes

Writing more on 4/10. It was another cold night with two sleeping bags. Having such a hard time with living logistics such as finding my camera battery, snacks and cough drops.

Got up early enough to have breakfast of oatmeal augmented with peanut butter, the last two milks, and grapefruit juice. When I got to the Harold store, ate a bourbon ball which was very full of rum but good. Plans changed again, especially for tomorrow. I think all of us left and walked south. Some did the second half, which was road and bridge walk, including Thom, Gordy and Marjorie. I did the first six miles and really enjoyed it. Although I was tired at the end and feet hurt including Morton's neuroma, I was happy hiking with Ruth, who is likes to walk at my pace. Tina, a thin, healthy marvelous young woman who was on her first FTA hike was totally willing to go slow too. She talked to Ruth the whole way non-stop, leaving me to lead and discover fun plants and sitting places and such (since my hearing makes it hard to maintain conversation while hiking). Good team. Without them, I probably would have turned back or been afraid and insecure and certainly wouldn't have enjoyed it so much.

The change in plans was Marjorie. Peggy informed me that Marjorie would be sharing the campsite tonight since she couldn't backpack the rest of the trip. She is an admirable woman who has stayed outdoors and worked outdoors her entire life. She uses some very interesting supplements and sport food from Hammer that is made from real food, not synthetic or processed.

By the time I saw Marjorie at the campsite, I had taken a couple of naps and needed coffee to get ready to go to dinner. Peggy had told us all that she had a gift card given by a hiker last year, so she invited us all to dinner.

Dinner groupWe all came except Gordy and Thom and Suzie and Tina. When seated Peggy said she was glad to see us all but the card was only for her dinner. We had to pay for ourselves. Several protestations so I knew I was not the only one that misunderstood the invitation. Actually I would have gone anyway, for the company. Peggy really is a salty character, was telling some of the crazy and wonderful things she has done, the men she's been with, the good and bad results. She spends all money and is dependent on her new trail angel business to sustain her in retirement.

Sally, flashlight angel

At dinner she helped me plan the next two days. The photo at the right is Sally, the flashlight angel who provided batteries and didn't get into the dinner picture to the right above.

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