Banner _____ 

Breath _____ 

Chakra _____ 

Circulation _____ 

CLB _____ 

Concentrics _____  

Core _____ 

Cosmic Juices _____  

EIE _____ 

Elodrop _____ 

Eye _____ 

Glow _____ 

Heart _____ 

Info _____ 

MET _____ 

Reach out _____ 

Sheaf _____ 

Shower _____ 

Spirit Coil _____ 

Sponge _____ 

Staff _____ 

Act 1 _____ 

Act 2 _____ 

Act 3 _____ 

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Elobeing - Stage, cast of characters

On the stage for the Elobeing design exhibit are the elements or component parts that go to make up an Elobeing. Think of them as the cast of characters of the play, or acts, a sort of anatomy of an Elobeing. On the interactive stage, you turn them on and off and see how they combine. Here in this table you can see them all at once, side by side.

get flash icon Flash 5+ plug-in is required. Use the pointing hands to navigate the home pages of each actor, in alphabetical order. Or click on the dash link, _____ , after the name in the table to go to a home page. More details to come.

The roots and topics of Elobeing come together in history as the design develops in the exhibit.

map icon

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© 2001, 2008 Caroling. All rights reserved. Last modified: 2008-10-22