These acts show the relationships of some of the essential parts of an Elobeing. Here they are on the stage for the play in the Elobeing design exhibit. See the cast of characters. See this movie looping, not stopping for each act.
{Back to top of page}In Act 1, from within a transitional MET, a tiny Reach Out emanates and beats with the zero point (base camp three). The vertical energies of the staff expand up and down, inviting Circulation. As the Elobeing reveals itself, the transitional MET condenses into a coiled path. The inner Eye oversees the Concentric Rings and the opening of Chakras (energy centers).
Act 2 opens where Act 1 ends. Circulation, staff and chakras fade as a Breathing Gap springs from the inner eye above to the concentric rings below. The coiled path MET expands and disappears. As the overall transitional MET reappears, the breathing gap contracts into an Elodrop, with a blue center. Cosmic Juices ring the MET, bringing out the Glow torus. Sheaf forms, inducing reach out and CLB conjunction. MET arcs evolve conforming at first to sheaf and MET. Later the arcs lead to flying Banners revealing Info or information banding related to Memory Beads.
Act 3 opens where Act 2 ends. Info banners contract as Core transceiver spins out. Sponge appears anchored vertically in two MET-like coils. As it collapses, wringing raisiny, sponge evokes the blue energy Heart, with Shower surround. A phase of Spirit Coil whirls into view, then smalls to the EIE consciousness sphere. All return to the MET structure.
Click Intro or any Act to play that movie. At the end, click the Play button to continue with the next movie or click any button to play that one. Press the Back button to go to the start of the movie. Press the Play button to play. To pause, mouseover the Back or Play button. Then step one frame at a time with a left or right arrow key or a mouseover a button.
Flash 5+ plug-in is required. See the smaller version of this movie. Out of Aliceland, see Wonder encounter the Elobeing chakras.
The roots and topics of Elobeing come together in history as the design develops in the exhibit.
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