On Vimeo. Alternatively, see the video on YouTube
At Galactic Synchronization we enter a new Galactic beam. This is the story of awareness and result of expanding consciousness
On July 26, or 2013-07-26, according to some Mayan calendar folks, we enter a new galactic beam. Galactic synchronization happens. Background and credits for elements of this artwork are in the weB log 2013 on June 21 and following days on up. See stills page 1, page 1A, page 2 and page 3. The story continues with Galactic Beam Being.
This is art fiction, visualizing. To understand it verbally, logically, you need to read the descriptions of experiences summarized in The Story below or told daily in the blog and related web pages.
The Story
Galactic synchronization 2013 begins for me at the June 21 Inner solstice when aligned between the sun toward the outer edge of the galaxy and the moon toward the center of the galaxy. Following the day after, the full moon attracts galaxy people. I meditate, opening inner eye, and welcome them in.
The Day Out of Time, which is hard to sense, is on July 25.
Brain cells expand.
Moving together, synergizing, five form EIEnor (a rhombicosahedron formed from 30 squares and 20 triangles enclosing 12 pentagons).
Expanding multidimensional consciousness is in 12-fold dodecahedral multiverse.
The emblem is our token of being in a dream, eliciting Spirit Dancer.
Meditating in prayer and channeling mode, galaxy people surround me, I have a galaxy people aura.
I am multidimensional.
On July 26 we celebrate Galactic Synchronization, a new galactic beam and opening of the noosphere. Matrix 2012 was the end of the previous era on December 21, 2012. Shift Happens 2013 transitioned.
Now I am the Galaxy people and I am the Galactic beam.
Blue energy infuses the Galactic Beam Being.
I expand as blue vibrations, blue vibes, expanding out as aura/wavelengths.
I expand in as a hollow ring, a blue vibes torus.
I stay blue.
No matter what changes might relatively appear, blue destiny is clear.
Though like a Cheshire cat in Alice and Wonderland, I disappear, I'm still there as cutout in the night sky.
See also Hello Galaxy and Galactic Beam Being.{Back to top of page}Credits
Rhombicosidodecahedron.gif from en.wikipedia.org.
The Poincaré Dodecahedral space visualization created with Curved Spaces from geometrygames.org.
Galactic Synchronization happened on July 26, between the Inner solstice on June 21, 2013 and
Galactic Synchronization moon meditation day 9 on July 29, 2013.Video ©2013 Caroling of Wholeo.net.
Background wading in waters between forest and sea.
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