Building an Oyster Reef at Eden Garden SP

Building an Oyster Reef at Eden Garden State Park

Lookout for 2013 - Back to Nature Festival 12

The 12th annual Back to Nature festival sponsored by the South Walton Community Council (SWCC) took place Thursday through Sunday, October 17-20. My comments follow each event description.

An Ideal Event for Me

For me, an ideal Back to Nature Festival event would be eco-active and have new elements for a familiar place following a sunrise meditation event for the day. Being an elder senior citizen, I have limited $ and limited energy for a day. I can only do one active event per day, so for me Back to Nature Festival would be free and have one of the events I would like to have attended each day during a week. I'd also see photos and reports on events I couldn't attend so the B2N Festival would be online. I expect this isn't practical financially and logistically for SWCC, but it is what I would like and be able to fully attend.

An ideal event would combine features of the events I attended and continue online.

Being eco-active is like building an oyster reef. There are multiple stake-holders for rich perspectives from nature-loving organizations, such as FWC, CBA, AmeriCorps and SWCC in addition to the nature-loving people willing to work to support the nature they love in South Walton. Having new elements for a familiar place means a new leader and/or new knowledge, since this is an annual event, many residents and returning guests have been to our natural areas but there is always so much new to learn. At the Oyster Reef either I missed the intro by being late or there was no information about oysters or reefs at Eden Gardens. I completely enjoyed taking part in the activity but wondered why.

At Deer Lake State Park I was entranced by new information from the expert Christian Wagley and enjoyed a hike I do often, but wondered what we could have done to become involved actively supporting the park. It would be nice to experience the number of participants in the joy of a shared commitment and activity that was present in building the reef.

Events I attended

Events I would like to have attended

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