Here is the 2020 semi-annual post of progress on the Wholeo 2024 5-year plan. Until March, 2019, each week wholeO Onward published something new and a related image on the first page after the intro. Here it was for the year 2019. The image is linked to the related entry in wholeO Onward news and history. Click the image to go to news. The latest image appears first. So the images go back in publishing time. This page covers edition 24 (2020) and edition 23 (2019) following the previous editions 20-22 (2016-2018), editions 17-19 (2013-2015), editions 14-16 (2010-2012), editions 11-13 (2007-2009), editions 8-10 (2004-2006) and editions 1-7 (1997-2003).
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