All around views of Wholeo Dome

Enter the stained glass dome. Be and move in a swirl of light and color. Choose from Java applet or plug-in viewers. The applets are easiest. To use the plug-ins, you must have them installed. See some ways to get the most from the dome swirl, including images from these spherical viewers.

Java Applets

Browser plug-in viewers

You can see the parts of Wholeo Dome undistorted, in the round. You spin back, forth, up and down, just as you would look around if you were really there, inside the dome. Put your pointer in the window and drag it around. The Java viewer, SmoothMove, and Live Picture viewer spaces are spheres. The QTVR is a cylinder, so the top and bottom are distorted. However, in the later part of the year 2000, QuickTime 5 will be able to view both horizontally and vertically, with a promise of finer quality.

Best Choice

The Java viewer java applet is quick, easy to use, and its hotspots are superior. SmoothMove has good quality and roll but is sometimes hard to zoom and navigate. Live Picture is limited to smaller files, so the quality suffers. QuickTime has a different quality and might be the best choice if you have QuickTime 5. However, it has fewer hotspots than Java viewer.

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