Alternatively, see YouTube movie

The Geometry of Evolving Mind

Another look at the subject of the four-year old movie Five Cells Expand into EIEnor. These pages are to give flight to your imagination. Here is a movie where five 3D cells expand into an EIEnor, where five standard cells congregate and synergize. Called five-fold synergy. I don't know if this is a logical arrangement or physical, but this shows the relationships geometrically. The faces of each colored cube relate to the EIEnor in a unique position. Each expanded side of their ten inner tetrahedrons (two tetrahedrons in each cube) shares a position with another expanded tetrahedron side. There are 40 sides that expand to 20 triangles in the EIEnor. In the movie, the triangles that blink between two colors show each equally.

For each cube, the 6 cube faces expand and the 8 faces of the two tetrahedrons within the cube expand.

The geometric form of the five combined cubes and duo-tets is a rhombicosidodecahedron. It has 30 square faces, 20 triangles, and 12 pentagons (bordered by the others).

Title of the movie 'The Geometry of Expanding Mind' See also a previous movie of this subject: Title page of 2014 movie of this subject.

orange 1 yellow 2 cyan 3 blue 4 violet 5
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