Lookout for 2003, Back to Nature, 100%

In previous years, the Lookout section was about the future. This year, 2003, the Lookout is local. Here. Now.

At the weekend of the Harmonic Concordance, centering at the lunar eclipse on November 8 or 9 depending on where in the world you happen to be.

Looking at this image, thinking it is so beautiful. But it's got to be sentimental. How can I separate out the loud music, the extreme sports short movie clips running into each other that remind me of the richness of my son's adventure, the coloring of Water Color trees where I have walked only in day, only in natural color. The huge number of happy people spread out on the grass around me. The free wine and expensive cheeses. The new chairs that made it so comfortable to sit for three hours. The absolute glee of howling at the eclipsed moon as wolves with hundreds of people. Having my friend close who had invited me. And her friend and son who are now my friends too. And the Back to Nature weekend where my work is needed and valued. Here at the movies is a respite relaxing from the whole thing. Also a moment in Florida between the hot humid buggy hurricane threatening summer and the hard cold wind of winter. Where we can be outside and not feel the need to defend against it, to feel the world is our living room. The producers feel this is the largest state of the art movie presentation in some way. It feels very special. Does any of that come across to someone who hasn't been there?

The background image is a photo of the setting of the Telluride MountainFilm on Tour. Inset on the movie screen is a poster for the event taken from an image on a T-shirt. The movie on this page resizes itself to fill the browser window. You can also see the 864x575-pixel movie. Macromedia® get flash icon Flash™ 3 + plug-in is required.

See views from the SWCC's ecofest, the Back to Nature weekend of November 8-9, 2003.

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